Yato YT-3865
Product description
Professional quality tool kit by Yato, recommended for service and workshops. The attachments have ultra thin walls and a design that allows the nuts to be unscrewed on very long pins. The ratchet adapters allow the ratchet to be used with 1/2 "and 1/4" standard caps. They are made of tool steel CrV 50BV30. The ratchet is made of CrV6140 steel, which guarantees its durability and efficiency, has a SUPER LOCK mount and a 72 teeth mechanism.
Contents of the package
Metric 1/2 "caps: 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19mm
3/4 "3/4" 1/2 "1/4" 1/8 "1/2" 1/2 "1/2" 3/4 "
Rattle 1/2 ", L = 178 mm
Adapter: 1/4 "; 1/2"
Long cap: 17 mm, L = 75 mm

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